Le Quirky Chaton is on YouTube!

Why YouTube? Why Not?

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When I started this blog (after years of deliberation), I knew I wanted to present useful information which was enjoyable to read.

I’ve since learned (being the slight perfectionist that I am) that time gets the better of me, and my typing skills are mediocre, but I have so many ideas I want to share (and record even just for myself before I forget them)!

So, just like how I enjoy reading blogs, I’ve also found that I also enjoy watching YouTube videos (for all sorts of subject matter), and it’s a useful adjunct to the written words (and images) you see here. Sometimes, it’s just easier to get the message across via video, so I thought I’d combine the different media.

I’ve recorded an introduction video (below) to tell you ‘in person’ a little bit about myself and my blog. I’m a novice at this, and it’s all for fun and a learning experience for me.

Click to watch, and if you’re so kind to spend the time, I welcome your feedback and comments (which you can leave in the comments here below, in the YouTube video comments section, or on my instagram)!

Thank you for watching!


Thank you for stopping by and reading!

If this is your first visit, and you’re wanting to know a little more about this blog, you can read about me here.

Please feel free to comment below (constructive feedback is always welcome), or share this with your friends. You can also subscribe to this blog so you won’t miss a post.

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Oh, and don’t forget to follow me on Instagram for new post updates (as it’s takes me awhile to put one together), more regular snippets of my outfits and fashion inspiration, and of course to say hello or share your comments with me.

Have a lovely day and see you again soon!


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